Your general health and well-being is discussed in detail and a thorough physical examination is performed. Comprehensive preventative screening for cancer and other medical comorbidities are performed.
Each patient will receive a uniquely tailored set of goals and treatment plan based on their needs. Being board-certified in Internal Medicine, this is where my passion arises in managing a wide variety of cases from simple to very complex.
Life is never straightforward and acute issues do arise. When they do, we are happy to accommodate and guarantee same and next day appointments either in person or via telehealth.
Will be performed in a timely manner to ensure all the appropriate steps are taken prior to surgery to avoid unnecessary delays.
I cannot stress how important it is to be seen within 2-5 days of hospital discharge to ensure medications are properly reconciled, tests ordered while inpatient are followed up on, and most importantly to prevent readmissions.
Examinations and forms will be completed without delay in a timely manner.
You now have the ability to spend more time with your doctor to develop a results-driven, evidence-based approach to Health Coaching, to help you learn sustainable methods to live a healthier lifestyle.
We can perform various in-office procedures such as placing and removing sutures and staples for simple lacerations, ear wax removal, incision and drainage of abscess, bursitis aspiration, nebulizer administration.
A wide variety of in-office diagnostics are available including Electrocardiogram, Spirometry, basic vision and hearing testing. Rapid testing available for Influenza, COVID19, Infectious Mononucleosis, Strep. Throat. Point-of-Care testing available for glucose levels, HbA1C levels, pregnancy, and urinalysis.